UNIKALU.LT products are categorized. You can see a specific product by choosing the category of goods you are interested in and clicking on the item’s photo. At the top you will see a list of categories you can return to.
More information about each item can be found under its picture (dimensions, material, etc.). To purchase an item, click “Add to Cart”. At that time you can also specify the number of units you wish to purchase (you can also adjust this later).
Your shopping cart is always available at the top of the page. You can cancel the selected item by clicking the “Remove” button. You can also modify the quantity of goods.
When you have finished shopping, click “Pay”. You will be directed to the registration page. If you already have a client account, enter your email address and password. If you are a new customer, you can buy goods as a guest (without registration) or register and then purchase goods in a simplified manner. Upon registration, you need to provide the shipping address information.
Choose a shipping method. It is possible to purchase the goods without delivery, by simply collecting them at our headquarters at 9-4 Baltasis skersgatvis, Vilnius, LT-01207.
Choose your billing form. If you wish, add a comment to your order and click “View Order”. Make sure all the information is correct, then click the payment button.
Thank you for shopping with us.